Issue Date:
Contact Officers:
Christine Coulson
Ph: 02 6272 3889
Caroline Wardrop
Ph: 02 6272 3889
Date of Effect: On publication
Date of Review: 2 Years
Distribution Categories
Central & Regional Office
OIC Inspection Staff Meat Establishments
Export Meat Establishments
Last notices on this issue: 2013-03 Use of temporary holding facilities for Stock
1. Purpose
The purpose of this notice is to advise all European Union (EU) export registered beef slaughter establishments of European Union Cattle Accreditation Scheme (EUCAS) responsibilities when holding cattle in temporary on-site holding paddocks for extended periods of time.
2. Scope
This notice applies to all EU listed export slaughter establishments for beef.
3. Background
EUCAS is a national animal production scheme that guarantees full traceability of all animals through the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), which links individual animal identification to a central database. EUCAS allows Australian to meet the EU market requirements for beef beef by segregating cattle that have never been treated with hormonal growth promotants (HGPs) at any time.
4. Issues
At some EU-listed slaughter establishments, EUCAS cattle are being held for extended periods of time in temporary holding paddocks on-site, pending slaughter. When the cattle have been held long enough that they are obliged to start feeding to meet animal welfare obligations, the slaughter establishments must continue to ensure that EU eligibility is maintained for the entire duration that they are held in on-site holding paddocks. This includes lifetime segregation of EUCAS cattle; and appropriate management of and record keeping for any EUCAS cattle treated while being held.
5. Actions
EU listed abattoirs need to update their Approved Arrangement (AA) to include details of how EU eligibility will be maintained while cattle are being held in temporary holding paddocks.
6. Responsibilities
6.1 Establishment Management must:
- Ensure that the establishment’s AA is consistent with this meat notice and EUCAS requirements. This includes:
- Providing details outlining how establishments holding cattle for export to the EU will meet the EUCAS requirement that all animals of the bovine species for slaughter are not treated with HGPs and are kept separate at all times from other (i.e. non EUCAS) animals held on the property. This should include:
- a map of the abattoir clearly indicating holding pens for EUCAS cattle
- methods that ensure segregation of EUCAS and non-EUCAS cattle at all times
- ways of designating and marking pens as EUCAS pens.
- implementing appropriate record keeping procedures of the current treatment status of all EUCAS Cattle, including ensuring that specified witholding periods are observed for any treated animal prior to slaughter
6.2 Department of Agriculture On-Plant Supervisors
- Review any AA amendments and recommend to the Area Technical Manager (ATM) for approval as appropriate.
- Monitor ongoing compliance with the AA.
6.3 Department of Agriculture Area Technical Managers
Assess establishment applications for variation of the AA and either request modifications or approve if satisfied EUCAS requirements have been maintained.
Clare Jones
Export Meat Program