Date of Effect: 1 July 2013
This Market Access Advice (MAA) replaces information provided in MAA No. 12/24.
Non–live seafood
Effective 1 July 2013, new certification arrangements will apply for consignments of seafood (excluding live) exported to China. The new certificates are to be used for all consignments certified for export on or after 1 July 2013. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) understands that consignments certified prior to 1 July 2013 using the previously agreed certificates (FX46AQ, FX46WO, FX46AM or FX46CM) but arriving in to China on or after this date will be permitted import.
Product type | Certificate Number | Attachments* |
Aquaculture product | FX46CN | Use template titled ‘Aquaculture seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China’ (Attachment 1) |
Wildcaught product | FX46CN | Use template titled ‘Wildcaught seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China’ (Attachment 2) |
Aquaculture product (exported out of Mauritius) | FX46CM (manual only) | Use template titled ‘Aquaculture seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China’ (Attachment 1) |
Wildcaught product (exported out of Mauritius) | FX46CM (manual only) | Use template titled ‘Wildcaught seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China’ (Attachment 2) |
* Please note the attachments need to be issued manually and are an interim measure. Attachments are only required where products are harvested by more than 5 vessels (wildcaught) or from more than 3 aquaculture areas, as this information cannot fit in the fields provided on the certificate.
To align with Chinese requirements, the following changes to certification for Australian seafood (excluding live) exported to China were necessary:
Multiple Product Lines
The format of the new certificate does not allow for the printing of multiple product lines. As a result, each product line on a request for permit (RFP) will generate a separate certificate and incur the standard certificate charge per document issued. For example, if there are three product lines on the RFP, exporters will be issued and charged for three separate government certificates. Previously, only one certificate would have been generated and charged.
Mixed consignments
The format of the new certificate does not allow for a single product description/single line entry for mixed consignments, i.e. where different types of products are packed in the same box, such as in trade samples. As a result, DAFF will be unable to certify products which have more than one type of product in a single box. For example if one box contains 2 kilograms of lobster and 3 kilograms of prawns, export certification cannot be issued for these products. In order to export these products, the lobster and prawns would have to be packed in separate boxes, each requiring a separate government certificate.
Vessel and aquaculture farm/area information
Aquaculture origin product
For aquaculture origin product, consignments must be accompanied by certification which provides a full list of the aquaculture area/farm of origin of the products. If products originate from multiple sources, the details of three aquaculture areas/farms should appear on the certificate with information on other source establishments appended to the certificate using the template found at Attachment 1*. For bivalve molluscs, list the name of the Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program–approved harvest area. For other aquaculture commodities, list the supplier name and the Australian postcode and its associated location closest to the point of harvest.
Wildcaught product
For wildcaught product, consignments must be accompanied by certification which provides a full list of the names and numbers of the harvest vessels of the products. If products originate from multiple vessels, the details of five vessels should appear on the certificate with information on other vessels appended to the certificate using the template found at Attachment 2*. For export registered vessels, list the name of the vessel and the establishment export registration number. For non–export registered vessels, e.g. catcher vessels, list the name of the vessel and the commercial harvest or fisheries access licence number. If product has been harvested without the use of a vessel, e.g. by a diver, list the name of the supplier and the commercial harvest or fisheries access licence number.
*Please note that the manual attachments are an interim measure. DAFF continues to work towards facilitating the input of this information electronically (via EXDOC).
Processing type
When generating certification, exporters will need to ensure the treatment type field includes one of the following descriptors for each line of product within an RFP:
- Refrigerated (CH)
- Frozen (FR)
- Dried (DR)
- Smoked (SM)
- Canned (CA)
Live seafood
DAFF is currently negotiating a new government certificate for Australian live seafood exported to China. Pending the finalisation of these negotiations, DAFF understands the existing certificate templates (identified in the box below) remain applicable for live seafood exports. These certificates do not require accompanying attachments.
Product type | Certificate Number |
Aquaculture origin product | FX46CA |
Wildcaught product | FX46C |
Seafood establishment listing requirements
In accordance with China’s “Provisions on the Administration of the Registration of Foreign Manufacturers of Imported Foods”, a list of all establishments approved by DAFF to export seafood to China was provided to the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (CNCA) on 8 May 2013.
Updates to the list will be submitted to CNCA by DAFF as they occur. While DAFF has requested that DAFF–issued certification would be the primary source for confirming Australian seafood export establishment approval, exporters are advised that difficulties at the port of entry may be encountered if processing establishment or consignor details have not been updated on the CNCA list. Exporters experiencing problems or wishing to update establishment details are requested to contact DAFF Food Safety Auditors.
MICoR will be updated to reflect the information in this MAA. Please contact Exports if you have any queries.
Attachment 1
- Aquaculture seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China
PDF [549 KB]
- Aquaculture seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China
Word [206 KB]
Attachment 2
- Wildcaught seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China
PDF [549 KB]
- Wildcaught seafood exported from Australia to the People’s Republic of China
Word [206 KB]
The information provided above is current at the time of writing and is intended for use as guidance only and should not be taken as definitive or exhaustive. The Commonwealth endeavours to keep information current and accurate, however, it may be subject to change without notice. Exporters are encouraged to verify these details with their importers prior to undertaking production/exports. The Commonwealth will not accept liability for any loss resulting from reliance on information contained in this notice.