Mr Tom Aldred
First Assistant Secretary
Department of Agriculture
GPO Box 858
Dear Mr. Aldred
I refer to the release of the draft 'Review of policy: Import risk analysis report for fresh salacca (snake fruit) from Indonesia into Australia by the Department of Agriculture in February 2014.
The draft report identified four pests of potential quarantine concern to Australia associated with the trade of fresh salacca fruit from Indonesia. They are the fungus (Marasmius palmivorus) and three mealybugs (Dysmicoccus sp., Planococcus sp. Pseudococcus sp.).
Whilst NSW is satisfied with the risk mitigation measures, it is suggested that further work is carried out to identify the mealybugs to species level.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this draft review of policy.
Yours sincerely
Scott Hansen