Guava from Taiwan

We are conducting a risk analysis for fresh guava (Psidium guajava) from Taiwan for human consumption.

Start risk analysis

Risk analysis:
When we do a risk analysis, we:​​

  • review the science on pests and diseases of concern
  • assess and analyse biosecurity risks
  • develop proposed risk management measures, if required
  • consult the public on the draft report and then review comments
  • publish the final report
  • verify that the country can meet the recommended risk management measures
  • develop import conditions
  • publish import conditions in our Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON).

About the risk analysis

We initiated this risk analysis because Taiwan requested market access for fresh guava. Learn more about why we carry out risk analyses and our international obligations.

This risk analysis is being conducted as a review of biosecurity import requirements. This is because we have completed a preliminary assessment of the pests of potential biosecurity concern associated with guava from Taiwan and have found that:

  • the pests of concern are the same, or of the same pest groups, as those pests that have been assessed previously for other horticultural goods. These pests include fruit flies, mites, mealybugs, scale insects, thrips, and fungi.
  • appropriate risk management measures exist for these pests or pest groups.


Australia’s trade with Taiwan

Taiwan is an important trading partner for Australia. It was Australia’s seventh largest trading partner in 2021-22, with 2-way goods and services totalling $33.95 billion.

Taiwan was also Australia’s 17th largest agricultural export market by value ($1.3 billion) in 2022, with overall trade growing 40% in value over the past 5 years.

Guava industry in Taiwan

Taiwan produced 171,540 tonnes of guava in 2020. Production is expected to increase in the foreseeable future, following recent increases in planting area and productivity.

Taiwan has several export markets for guava, including the United States of America, Canada, the Netherlands, Indonesia, China, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates.

Guava industry in Australia

The Australian guava industry is relatively small and there is no available data on current production volumes or the total growing area. The most significant growing regions are in Queensland, northern New South Wales, and the Northern Territory.

In 2013, the Australian industry produced an estimated 114 tonnes of guava.

Guava imports

Australia does not currently import fresh guava fruit from any country.

Next steps

We will:

  1. review the science on pests and diseases of concern.
  2. assess and analyse the biosecurity risks.
  3. develop a draft report, which will propose risk management measures (if required) to manage the identified biosecurity risks.
  4. release the draft report for a 60-calendar day public consultation period. We plan to release the draft report in mid-2025. Please note that this is an indicative timeline and may be subject to change.

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