We are keen to engage with you about Australia’s biosecurity system to support our industries, environment and communities.
This webinar series covers a range of biosecurity topics, such as Australia’s priority biosecurity risks and how they are being managed, preparedness and response activities, innovation, and collaboration, as well as priorities and challenges for biosecurity.
Watch a webinar to hear from government and industry experts about current priorities for our biosecurity work.
Disclaimer: All information was current at time of recording.
Episode 16 – One Health in action to end rabies deaths by 2023
28 September 2023
Download transcript
One Health in action to end rabies deaths by 2023 (DOCX 264 KB)
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Previous episodes
07 October 2022
Bird’s eye view of high pathogenic avian influenza - the risks to Australia transcript (DOCX 260KB)
11 April 2022
30 March 2022
Australia’s #1 intercepted biosecurity risk item: Travelling seeds transcript (DOCX 45 KB)
23 February 2022
Contagion – Foot and Mouth: how prepared is Australia for an outbreak? transcript (DOCX 48 KB)
29 November 2021
Biosecurity and collaboration – vital combination keeping Australia safe transcript (DOCX 48 KB)
29 October 2021
27 September 2021
Protecting Northern Australia from the risk of exotic fruit fly invasion transcript (DOCX 39 KB)
Get in touch
If you want to be included on our distribution list, or would like to suggest a topic for our webinar series, email us at biosecurity.education@awe.gov.au