From: Gavin Lang [
Sent: Sunday, 3 July 20118:14 PM
To: BA - Plant Biosecurity Contact
Subject: NZ Apple Import Conditions
To All Concerned
I wish to strongly protest at the lack of conditions in the draft recommendations for the import of Apples from New Zealand.
My family has been growing apples in this country since 1858 and we are still on the same patch of soil in Ha'rcourt Victoria my great great grandfather planted on but if New Zealand apples are allowed into Australia with the current import inspection criteria it will be the end of us. We have more restriction on us sending fruit between states in Australia than what BS is proposing for the NZ imports. Current Orchard practice is what BS is proposing as Ok and you don't even know what those practices are!!!. If any unwanted disease outbreak occurs in NZ then all imports should be halted immediately, inspections have to be conducted by the Australian industry this is the only way to keep the risk of disease coming into this country LOW not make it a certainty.
BS Must change these import protocols to reflect what the Australian industry has requested.
BS must remember which cou~try it is suppose to protect!!!!!!!! (Not move to a political beet)
Yours hanging on just
Gavin Lang
Langdale Orchards (Est. 1858)
Langs road.
Harcourt Vic. 3453
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