From: Fankhauser Apples []
Sent: Thursday, 30 June 2011 9:18 AM
To: BA - Plant Biosecurity Contact
Subject: Apples
Darlene Fankhauser
545 Old Drouin Road,
Drouin Vic 3818.
To Whom it may concern,
My name is Darlene Fankhauser and we are 4th generation apple orchardists with a young family. I am writing to you out of frustration, concern and desperation in your decision in allowing apples to be imported into our country without ANY protocols! You have stated that 'standard orchard practices' will suffice to contain these horrendous diseases to New Zealand. The reality is there is NO standard orchard practice. Every orchardist will do something different from their neighbour's 'standard practice' therefore making a standard 'NON EXISTENT'! WE MUST HAVE OUR OWN QUARANTINE OFFICERS at the very least, inspect blocks of fruit during and prior to exportation of fruit from registered blocks!
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND the backflip and why the hell you would risk a $300 million + industry in our country???
It leaves me gobsmacked that we even feel the need as a country, where our apple and pear production is meeting the demand over and above! Why do we need to import apple and pears AT ALL? Our stone fruit and other tropical fruits fill in the (very) temporary glut of apples and pears so, WHY???
Someone has obviously made a HUGE MISTAKE somewhere and is making it up, by holding our industry and quarantine in Australia to ransom! (And obviously winning!!!)
Why would you compromise and destroy everything you have set out to protect in our country for such a long time? At present as you would well know, we are one of only a hand full of countries who DO NOT have these pests and diseases so why risk this fact?
It does somewhat contradict the need for border security in regard to plants, diseases and pests brought into our countries through airports and shipping ports, given that you have just practically given the green light for at least two major diseases (one of which we see as the horticultural equivalent to Foot and Mouth disease) and one major pest to affect not only our apple and pear trees but the WIDE range of trees and shrubs in our parks, gardens and road sides. I just do not understand why you would RISK THIS??????????????
I see this ruling as setting a precedent that may encourage other countries to challenge our other quarantine standards. Imagine eating beef from South America where foot and Mouth disease is rampant or chicken from parts of Asia where Avian bird flu is almost an everyday occurrence, because as I see it in making this decision you have given other countries the power to question and make a mockery of our quarantine standards!
I have NO FAITH, respect or confidence in Biosecurity Australia as it stands, in making this decision, or our government for that matter.
I am pleading with you to overturn this decision and protect no only our industry and way of life, but also Australian borders as a whole! After all THAT IS WHT YOU ARE HERE FOR!!! Please DO NOT ALLOW the importation of apples and pears into our country. WE SIMPLY DO NOT NEED THEM, or the pests and disease that may come with them!
Darlene Fankhauser and Family.
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