We are conducting a risk analysis for fresh mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) fruit for human consumption from Malaysia.

Risk analysis:
When we do a risk analysis, we:
- review the science on pests and diseases of concern
- assess and analyse biosecurity risks
- develop proposed risk management measures, if required
- consult the public on the draft report and then review comments
- publish the final report
- verify that the country can meet the recommended risk management measures
- develop import conditions
- publish import conditions in our Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON).
About the risk analysis
We initiated this risk analysis because Malaysia requested market access for fresh mangosteens. Learn more about why we carry out risk analyses and our international obligations.
This risk analysis is being conducted as a review of biosecurity import requirements. This is because we have completed a preliminary assessment of the pests of potential biosecurity concern associated with mangosteens from Malaysia and found that:
- the pests of concern are the same, or of the same pest groups, as those pests that have been assessed previously for mangosteens or other horticultural goods. These pests include fruit flies, mealybugs, scale insects, thrips and ants.
- appropriate risk management measures exist for these pests or pest groups.
We announced the commencement of this risk analysis on 31 October 2024.
Australia-Malaysia trade
Malaysia is an important trading partner for Australia. In 2023, two-way agriculture, fisheries and forestry trade between Malaysia and Australia was valued at $3.3 billion.
Mangosteen industry in Malaysia
Malaysia produced approximately 23,500 tonnes of mangosteens from 3,150 hectares of growing area in 2022. In 2020, Malaysia was the fourth largest producer of mangosteens in the world, after Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.
In Malaysia, the peak mangosteen season runs from June to August, and the smaller secondary season can run from November to December.
Mangosteen industry in Australia
Mangosteens are grown in far north Queensland, near Bloomfield, Babinda and Innisfail.
The Australian peak mangosteen season is from November to March.
The relatively small Australian mangosteen industry is currently focused on supplying domestic markets.
Mangosteen imports
Australia currently permits the import of fresh mangosteens from Thailand and Indonesia, provided the biosecurity import conditions are met.
In the last 3 financial years, Australia has imported about 232 tonnes of fresh mangosteens from Thailand and about 330 kg from Indonesia.
Next steps
We will:
- Review the science on pests and diseases of concern.
- Assess and analyse the biosecurity risks.
- Develop a draft report, which will propose risk management measures (if required) to manage the identified biosecurity risks.
- Release the draft report for a 60-calendar day public consultation period. We plan to release the draft report in mid-2025. Please note that this is an indicative timeline and may be subject to change.
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For more information, email imports@aff.gov.au or phone 1800 900 090 (when prompted select option 1, then option 1).