Tree and timber pests include species of fungi, beetles, termites and nematodes. These can infest and kill forest, farm and street trees.
The National Action Plan for Pests of Trees and Timber is a national approach to guard Australia against these pests.
The National Action Plan for Pests of Trees and Timber is under development.
The plan will set out the steps to:
- prevent the introduction of pests of trees and timber
- prepare for a response if a pest is detected in Australia.
Success of the plan depends on cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders. These include:
- importers
- shipping businesses
- agricultural industries
- all levels of government
- non-government organisations
- individuals
- experts and research agencies.
What it covers
The National Action Plan for Pests of Trees and Timber will cover the following pests:
Airborne phytophthora species
- Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum)
- Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora kernoviae).
Dutch elm disease
- Ophiostoma novo-ulmi
Exotic drywood termites
- Cryptotermes brevis
- Cryptotermes dudleyi
- Incisitermes minor.
Exotic longhorn beetles
- Anoplophora chinensis
- Anoplophora glabripennis
- Anoplophora malasiaca.
Exotic subterranean termites
- Coptotermes formosanus
- Coptotermes gestroi.
Myrtle rust
- Austropuccinia psidii (exotic strains)
Pine pitch canker
- Fusarium circinatum
Pine wilt nematodes
- Bursaphelenchus cocophilus
- Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
- Exotic sawyer beetle vectors (Monochamus spp.).
Ceratocystis wilt
- Ceratocystis spp., including Ceratocystis manginecans – an emerging pest
Polyphagous shot hole borer
- Euwallacea fornicates with Fusarium wilt (Fusarium euwallaceae) – an emerging pest.
Pest and disease details
See more on each pest and disease.
Implementation schedule
The plan’s implementation schedule will include activities and projects from 4 action areas:
- prevention
- detection
- response
- cross-cutting (contains actions that fit into 2 or more of the first 3 areas).
We will review activities annually and document progress.
Get involved
Are you a researcher, industry member or interested person? If you’d like to get involved email us at
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