Fruit flies are some of the world’s most destructive pests of commercial fruit and vegetable crops. They attack around 300 species of fruit and above-ground vegetables.
The National Exotic Fruit Fly Action Plan is under development.
The plan will be a nationally agreed approach to:
- prevent the introduction of exotic fruit fly
- prepare for a response if a pest is detected in Australia.
Success of the plan depends on cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders. These include:
- importers
- shipping businesses
- agricultural industries
- all levels of government
- non-government organisations
- individuals
- experts and research agencies.
What it covers
These exotic fruit fly species are covered by the plan:
High priority species
Mexican fruit fly
- Anastrepha ludens
Carambola fruit fly
- Bactrocera carambolae
Oriental fruit fly
- Bactrocera dorsalis, Bactrocera trivialis (no common name), Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitiscapitata), Melon fly (Zeugodacus cucurbitae)
Medium priority species
White striped fruit fly
- Bactrocera albistrigata
Guava fruit fly
- Bactrocera correcta
Bactrocera kirki
- Bactrocera kirkino (no common name)
Solanum fruit fly
- Bactrocera latifrons
Citrus fruit fly
- Bactrocera tsuneonis
Peach fruit fly
- Bactrocera zonata
Zeugodacus tau
- Zeugodacus tau (no common name)
Pest and disease details
Implementation schedule
The plan’s implementation schedule will include activities and projects from 4 action areas:
- prevention
- detection
- response
- cross-cutting (contains actions that fit into 2 or more of the first 3 areas).
Activities will be reviewed annually to document progress on implementation.
Get involved
Are you a researcher, industry member or interested person? If you’d like to get involved email us at
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