7 September 2017
The Invasive Plants and Animals Committee (IPAC) met on 7 September 2017 in Menangle, New South Wales.
Key outcomes from the meeting included:
National Biosecurity Committee Endorsement of the Australian Weeds Strategy and Australian Pest Animal Strategy
The Australian Weeds Strategy and Australian Pest Animal Strategy were endorsed by the National Biosecurity Committee on 7 June 2017. The Committee are now in the process of drafting a work plan to implement the strategies.
Prioritisation of Exotic Environmental Pests and Diseases
The Committee agreed to oversee and sponsor the project to develop a national priority list for environmental pest and diseases. This project is being undertaken by the Australian Bureau Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences’ and the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.
National Carp Control Plan
The Committee noted the progress in developing the National Carp Control Plan, including progress in the development of draft plans to inform delivery of strategic research and technology activities and consultation, communication and engagement.
Terms of Reference and Scope
The Committee agreed that the scope and terms of reference of the Committee will be revised to better articulate its role in relation to environmental biosecurity.
Upcoming IPAC meetings
It was agreed that the next Committee meeting (IPAC 10) will be held in November this year in Melbourne.
The Invasive Plants and Animals Committee is a sectoral committee of the National Biosecurity Committee (NBC).
The committee provides advice to the NBC on weeds, vertebrate pest animals (including freshwater fish) and freshwater invertebrate pests.
For further information about the Invasive Plants and Animals Committee you can visit the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources website.