18 March 2016
The Invasive Plants and Animals Committee (IPAC) met on 18 March 2016 by teleconference. Key issues discussed by the committee are summarised below.
Australian Weeds Strategy/Australian Pest Animal Strategy Revision
IPAC noted the update on the progress of revisions to the Australian Weeds Strategy and Australian Pest Animal Strategy. The strategies are expected to be released for public consultation in mid-late 2016.
Governance arrangements for rabbit biocontrol and carp biocontrol
IPAC noted the complex regulatory environment for both rabbit biocontrol and carp biocontrol, and noted the process to obtain regulatory approval for a new rabbit biocontrol agent and a carp biocontrol agent.
Long-term strategic carp control
IPAC noted an Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre report on long-term strategic carp control and agreed to provide feedback on the report.
Agricultural Competiveness White Paper
IPAC noted an update from the Australian Government on the implementation of the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper’s $50 million initiative to better manage established pest animals and weeds, which is progressing well.
IPAC Expert Groups
IPAC is supported by a number of expert groups to advise on technical matters. These groups include the Weeds of National Significance Expert Group, the Weed Incursion and Containment Expert Group, the Vertebrate Pests Incursions Expert Group, the Research, Development and Extension Expert Group, the Freshwater Fish Expert Group and the Established Pest Animals of National Significance Task Group.
The Committee noted updates on the activities of each of the IPAC Expert Groups. The updates included the initial findings of the analysis of 2010-2015 national vertebrate detection data, draft Research Development & Extension priorities for invasive plants and animals, further work on the Ornamental Fish Risk Assessment tool.
Jurisdictional Updates
IPAC noted updates from the Australian Government, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia on various invasive plant and animal activities including funding initiatives, weed eradication programs, localised weed containment, research updates and new policy developments.
Upcoming IPAC meetings
The next IPAC meeting (IPAC 6) will be a face to face meeting proposed for early August 2016.The Invasive Plants and Animals Committee is a sectoral committee of the National Biosecurity Committee (NBC).
The committee provides advice to the NBC on weeds, vertebrate pest animals (including freshwater fish) and freshwater invertebrate pests.
For further information about the Invasive Plants and Animals Committee you can visit the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources website.