3-4 August 2022
The Environment and Invasives Committee (EIC) met virtually on 3-4 August 2022. Collaborative discussions led to a range of good outcomes, including:
- Use of the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit model to assess the environmental risks posed by exotic freshwater fish for live import, through the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
- Deferring registration and release of RHDV2 as a rabbit biological control agent, as additional investment is unlikely to generate significant benefit.
- In-principle endorsement of the National Established Weed Priorities Framework subject to finalisation of an implementation plan, which will go towards achieving Goal 2 of the Australian Weeds Strategy 2017-2027 (‘minimise the impact of established weeds’).
Members received updates on priority projects including progress on the draft National Feral Deer Action Plan, which will soon be available for public consultation, the National Carp Control Plan and ABARES’s Environmental Impacts Project.
The Commonwealth advised it had engaged Wild Matters Pty Ltd as the National Environment and Community Biosecurity Research, Development and Extension Strategy 2021-26 National Coordinator for 12 months to June 2023. EIC welcomed the formation of the National Plant Biosecurity Strategy Governance Group to oversee implementation of the National Plant Biosecurity Strategy and its sub-strategies on preparedness, surveillance and diagnostics, noting effective coordination is imperative to its success.
Paul Tudman and Aaron Dodd from Griffith University, delivered an engaging presentation on the Biosecurity Commons project, including a demonstration of species distribution modelling and risk mapping.
EIC will next meet in Victoria in early 2023.
For any questions about this communiqué, please email the EIC Secretariat at eic@aff.gov.au.
The Environment and Invasives Committee is responsible for providing national policy leadership on the identification, prevention and management of invasive plant, vertebrate and invertebrate species that adversely impact the environment, economy and community.
The Committee provides a national mechanism for identification and resolution of national priorities on freshwater aquatic and terrestrial invasive species and any other species where there is an environmental or community biosecurity impact where it is found not to be the responsibility of any other sectoral committee.
For more information, visit the Environment and Invasives Committee’s website, hosted by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.