19 February 2025
Who does this notice affect?
All clients submitting the below declarations:
- Full Import Declaration (FID)
- Long Form Self Assessed Clearance (LFSAC)
- Short Form Self Assessed Clearance (SFSAC)
- Cargo Report Self Assessed Clearance (CRSAC)
- Cargo Report Personal Effects (PE)
Approved arrangements operators, customs brokers, importers, manned depots, and freight forwarders who are required to book and manage requests for inspections through the Biosecurity Portal.
Approved arrangements operators who will be required to view and/or update details of their Approved Arrangement via the Approved Arrangement Management Product (AAMP).
Approved arrangement operators attempting to access online reports of entries referred to the department for biosecurity assessment, or management under a class 19 Approved Arrangement, via the Biosecurity Cargo Status Tracker (BCST).
All clients required to use the Biosecurity Import Conditions System (BICON) during this planned maintenance period.
All clients required to use the eCertificate exports portal who will be required to view or download export certification during this planned maintenance period.
All clients required to use the Export / Next Export Documentation (EXDOC/NEXDOC) systems during this planned maintenance period.
Approved arrangements operators who will be required to view electronic government certificates (eCertificates) and relevant attachments online via external verification for eCertificates (EVE) as part of document assessment for imported goods.
All clients who will be required to make an online payment during this planned maintenance period.
All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned maintenance period.
All importers of plants, cats and/or dogs who will be required to use the Post Entry Biosecurity System during this planned maintenance period.
Update: Messages between DAFF systems and the Department of Home Affairs Integrated Cargo System (ICS) will queue briefly during each outage and will send at the conclusion of each outage.
Due to scheduled infrastructure and network maintenance, the following systems and services may experience multiple intermittent outages from 23:00 Thursday 20 February to 05:00 Friday 21 February 2025 (AEDT):
- Biosecurity Portal
- Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS)
- DAFF messaging services
- Certificates Exports Portal
- Online Payment Service (OPS)
- Post Entry Biosecurity System (PEBS)
Users of the above-listed systems are advised to await the completion of this planned maintenance period before attempting to access these services.
The department apologises for any inconvenience caused.