19 April 2024
Who does this notice affect?
Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries — including importers, customs brokers, freight forwarders, vessel masters, biosecurity industry participants and shipping agents.
What has changed?
Regulatory charging is a key element to funding Australia’s biosecurity system. Ensuring our charging meets our costs for delivering regulatory activities remains central to long-term sustainable funding arrangements.
In 2024, the department will embed an annual review cycle and apply indexation to regulatory fees and charges for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities.
These changes commence on 1 July 2024.
An updated schedule of prices and current cost to deliver regulatory activities will be provided in the 2024-25 Biosecurity Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) and pricing tables.
A draft CRIS and pricing tables have been published through the department’s ‘Have Your Say’, platform.
The ‘Have Your Say’ closes, AEST 5 pm 7 May 2024.
We invite you to visit our website and review these documents.
Further information
Stay informed through the department’s website.
Enquiries can be directed to the BioCRIS@aff.gov.au.