2 December 2024
Who does this notice affect?
All vessel owners, operators, masters and shipping agents who represent international commercial and cruise vessels arriving in Australian territory.
What has changed?
Currently all waste discharged from international vessels is managed as biosecurity waste and subject to disposal under a DAFF Approved Arrangement for biosecurity waste management.
From 1 December 2024, commercial and cruise vessel operators can volunteer to participate in the DAFF Maritime Waste Recycling Pilot (DMWRP).
DMWRP participation requires vessels to:
- meet DMWRP Cleaning and Segregation Guidelines for onboard waste recycling management
- submit a waste discharge form in MARS for waste inspection at the identified First Port of Entry
- convey waste for recycling on ISPM 15 pallets for large volumes and clear plastic bags for small volumes
- present waste for recycling to biosecurity officers for inspection
Waste not complying with the DMWRP Cleaning and Segregation Guideline requirements will not be released by biosecurity officers. It will be directed for disposal as biosecurity waste via an Approved Arrangement provider.
How to participate in the DMWRP
The Department is now inviting vessel operators and agents who wish to recycle waste and participate in the DMWRP to submit a request to the department through conveyance.maritime@aff.gov.au.
Please provide the following information for each participating vessel in the request:
- number, IMO and name of participating vessel
- voyage details and proposed waste discharge port/s
- name of waste providers under an Approved Arrangement and recycle providers.
Vessels will be provided additional information, including the DMWRP Cleaning and Segregation Guide for the crew to follow. Additional information about the DMWRP will soon be published on the department’s website.