3 February 2023
Who does this notice affect?
Importers and brokers of:
- Fresh dates from US (0804.10.00)
- Dried dates (including permitted Ziziphus species) from all countries (0804.10.00)
- Frozen dates from all countries
- Sesame seeds from all countries (1207.40.00).
What has changed?
The department has recently identified a number of ineligible goods being referred for processing under the Compliance-Based Intervention Scheme (CBIS). To improve the lodgement process for goods in scope for CBIS we have created two new profile questions to support imports. The changes should assist importers and their agents to better differentiate between eligible and ineligible products and support more timely and accurate processing.
For imports of eligible hulled, sesame seed, imported for human consumption end use, the following profile question will appear:
- “Are the goods raw, hulled and imported for human consumption end use?”
- Tariff code: 1207.40
For imports of fresh and dried dates for human consumption end use, the following profile question will appear:
- Biosecurity: Are the goods frozen? If “NO”, you will then be directed to answer the following questions
- “Are the goods fresh dates of Phoenix Dactylifera species, imported for human consumption end use?”
- “Are the goods dried permitted dates species as listed on BICON, imported for human consumption end use?”
These changes are scheduled to take effect on 6th February 2023.
We would also encourage importers and their agents to ensure that their goods are lodged appropriately, with complete and accurate documentation.
Please note
Goods that qualify for CBIS may still be required to meet other biosecurity and imported food requirements. All imported food must meet the food safety requirements under the Imported Food Control Act 1992 monitored through the Imported Food Inspection Scheme. Check the imported food requirements for your food type.
What do I need to do?
The changes will require importers and their agents to lodge their goods in accordance with BICON, the minimum document requirements policy, and accurately answer one or more profile questions.
Further information
If you have any enquiries relating to these changes, then please contact the Program and email Imports (Tier 2 – CBIS) or telephone 1800 900 090.
The department also publishes changes on the CBIS webpages
For plant and plant related products
For animal based products