Who does this notice affect?
International airlines and aircraft operators, airline representatives, air crews and their contracted service providers operating international arrivals to Australia.
What has changed?
A new incoming passenger video containing information about Australia's biosecurity requirements has been approved by a delegate of the Director of Biosecurity. Airlines using the biosecurity video should replace the current video in use and install and make available the new video on inflight entertainment systems from 1 October 2023, or sooner where practicable, for use when the mandatory passenger announcement is delivered. This is the only incoming passenger video which is approved to be delivered to airline passengers on arrival to Australia from 1 October 2023. Airlines must ensure that previous versions of biosecurity incoming passenger videos are not played and should be destroyed. Penalties will apply for use of previous versions after 1 October 2023.
The approved mandatory incoming passenger video is available in a range of languages via the department's website at agriculture.gov.au/aircraft-guidelines.
Note the approved audio message has not changed. In instances where airlines do not have capacity for video messaging on inflight systems, the current approved audio announcements must continue to be delivered as the mandatory announcement.
It is a requirement under s220 of the Biosecurity Act 2015, that the person in charge or the operator of an incoming aircraft or vessel that is subject to biosecurity control when entering Australian territory, must ensure that each person (including a member of the crew) on board the aircraft or vessel is given information about biosecurity requirements under the laws of the Commonwealth.
To ensure compliance, airlines are urged to check the correct biosecurity incoming passenger video is available on all aircraft scheduled to arrive in Australia, including those aircraft returning to service after long-term storage.
Further information
Traveller Policy, travellers@aff.gov.au