4 March 2022
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is relevant to importers of bovine material from Indonesia, including bovine fluids and tissues for laboratory purposes and dairy products for human consumption.
What has changed?
The Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment (the department) has received notification that cases of LSD have been detected in Indonesia.
To reduce the risk of a potential incursion and help Australia maintain its current LSD-free status the department has taken the decision to restrict imports of bovine derived animal fluids and tissue and dairy products from this country.
Due to the high biosecurity risk posed by LSD in bovine material, Indonesia has been removed from the list of approved countries for the import of bovine fluids and tissues and from the list of LSD-free countries.
The department will be in contact with any permit holders affected by this change to provide further information about the impact on import conditions for specific goods.
Further information
For further information please contact the department on 1800 900 090 or by emailing imports@awe.gov.au.