22 November 2021
Who does this notice affect?
Industry participants involved in offshore biosecurity risk management programs associated with inorganic fertiliser and used vehicles.
What has changed?
The department is responsible for applying fees and charges to industry and the public for biosecurity regulatory activities.
From 1 December 2021, the department will begin to recover costs for desk-audits and
virtual-audits associated with the offshore biosecurity risk management programs related to inorganic fertilisers and used vehicles.
This will be undertaken through a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for recognition under the offshore schemes.
While these charges are not made under the Biosecurity Act 2015, they will be applied on the same basis as similar charges found in the department's Charging Guidelines 2021.
Further information
Queries in relation to this IIAN can be submitted to seacargopolicy@awe.gov.au.