21 September 2021
Who does this notice affect?
Importers and brokers of:
- Fresh blueberries from New Zealand
- Chilled segmented durian from Thailand
What has changed?
The department is removing fresh blueberries from New Zealand and chilled segmented durians from Thailand from the CBIS program due to poor performance. The import of chilled segmented durians from Malaysia will continue to be eligible for the CBIS program.
This means that the products will no longer be eligible for risk-based intervention and will return to 100% intervention levels. Should compliance improve on these pathways, then the department will review their application onto CBIS.
These changes are scheduled to take effect on 21 September 2021. The department anticipates minimal impact to blueberry importers, given that the import season has just ended.
What do I need to do?
The changes will require importers and their agents to lodge the products in accordance with BICON.
Further information
If you have any further enquiries relating to these changes, then please contact the Program and email imports@awe.gov.au (Tier 2- CBIS) or visit our CBIS webpage.