17 September 2021
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of relevance to importers, customs brokers and agents, exporters of live fish and other seafood, biosecurity industry participants and accredited persons operating under the department’s Approved Arrangements (classes 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3) who are involved in the import of used fish bins into Australian territories via air and sea freight.
What has changed?
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) has amended the import conditions for fish bins used to export live fish and other seafood. These changes are effective immediately.
These changes include:
- A new Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON) case specifically for fish bins will replace the previously used ‘Articles and equipment used in water’ and ‘Animal transport equipment’. The new BICON case will be published in the third quarter of 2021. Upon publication a further Industry Advice Notice will be issued;
- All sea freight consignments require offshore fumigation with Methyl Bromide (this requirement does not apply to air freight);
- Sea freight will require a valid fumigation certificate and a packing declaration via an Exporter or Supplier’s declaration. The declaration should state:
- Fish bins have been cleaned and thoroughly dried;
- Fish bins are free of water; and
- Fish bins have been loaded into the container to allow penetration of the fumigant, with bungs removed and inner and outer lids ajar.
- Air freight will require a valid Exporter or Supplier’s declaration stating:
- Fish bins have been cleaned and thoroughly dried;
- Fish bins are free of water; and
- Fish bins are covered or wrapped to prevent water entering during storage and transport.
Containerised sea freight
- Mandatory offshore internal Methyl Bromide fumigation (48g/m3 24 hrs at ≥21°C at NAP) immediately prior to export;
- The fish bins must be cleaned and kept dry prior to containerisation and export;
- If container vents have not been sealed, they must be sealed immediately by the onshore Approved Arrangement site upon delivery and stored inside the facility;
- No further domestic movement of uncleared fish bins will be permitted;
- A secure seals intact inspection under the supervision of a Biosecurity officer is to take place;
- A self-dispensing knockdown insecticide spray must be supplied and may be deployed inside the container, under the supervision of a biosecurity officer, prior to unpack. Additional knockdown spray must also be available during the inspection;
- If the fish bins were correctly loaded to allow fumigant penetration and they are clean and free of water, they may be released from biosecurity control (following the mandatory animal disease/contamination treatment at a rate of 1% Virkon®S or 1% Virucidal X solution);
- If water or water marks are present, they will be inspected and sampled for any signs of mosquito life stages, all areas where water or water marks are present must be treated with chlorine at a rate of 0.33% (3300ppm) NOTE fumigation will not be effective against mosquito life stages if water is present;
- If mosquito life stages are found additional treatment will be required as advised by the department’s entomologist (diagnostic fees apply);
- If import requirements have not been met, a regional vector coordinator, vector supervisor or a vector back up officer must be present during the inspection (additional fees and charges apply);
- 1% Virkon®S or 1% Virucidal X solution treatment will also be required on all consignments following completion of the above steps.
Air freight
- Fish bins must be covered or wrapped to prevent water entering during storage and transport;
- Air freight consignments must have biosecurity intervention (inspection and clearance) at the first port of arrival at an Approved Arrangement Class 1.1 or 1.2. No domestic movement of uncleared fish bins will be permitted;
- Fish bins will be uncovered and/or unwrapped in the presence of a Biosecurity officer and a Regional vector coordinator, vector supervisor or a vector back up officer;
- Knockdown spray is to be on hand during unpacking and inspection;
- If water or water marks are present, they will be inspected and sampled for any signs of mosquito life stages, all areas where water or water marks are present must be treated with chlorine at a rate of 0.33% (3300ppm);
- If mosquito life stages are found additional treatment will be required as advised by the department’s entomologist (diagnostic fees apply);
- A 1% Virkon®S or 1% Virucidal X solution treatment will also be required on all consignments following completion of the above steps.
Further information
For further information regarding import conditions for fish bins, contact the department via email at imports@awe.gov.au or phone 1800 900 090.