26 August 2021
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is for all airlines, freight forwarders, pet transport companies and importers of cats and dogs to Australia.
What has changed?
COVID-19 impact on cat and dog imports to Australia
Unfortunately, COVID-19 continues to impact the importation of cats and dogs into Australia. We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time.
The department is aware of the prolonged world-wide travel disruption, including cancelled flights and airline-imposed restrictions, resulting in difficulties organising transportation of pets to Australia. While the department is strongly committed to our role of managing biosecurity import conditions, we are unable to assist in flight logistics for animals being imported into Australia. Such arrangements must be negotiated between importers and airlines, freight forwarders etc.
The department continues to receive a significant number of requests for dispensations from import conditions. Importers should be aware that conditions such as pre-border waiting periods are crucial to effectively manage the biosecurity risks and cannot be reduced by spending more time in quarantine in Australia. Any cats or dogs that arrive in Australia unannounced or without a valid import permit and veterinary health certification will be considered non-compliant and subject to immediate export from Australia. If the person in charge of the animal cannot arrange export, the department may have no other option but to euthanase the animal.
Travel to Australia
Importers must ensure that their import permits reflect the correct country of export and that flight routes reflect the transit and transhipment conditions applicable to their permit. If the animal clears customs or quarantine control in another country during transhipment, that country must be listed as the country of export on the animal’s import permit and health certification.
In cases where there is no option available for a dog and cat to arrive directly into Melbourne international airport, applications may be made to request a dog or cat be transhipped via Sydney to the post-entry quarantine (PEQ) facility in Melbourne. Approval for domestic transhipment is granted under limited circumstances and subject to eligibility. Please apply to imports@awe.gov.au for specific permission to have these conditions imposed on the animal’s permit, if appropriate. Application and assessment fees will apply. All other import conditions must be met in full.
Cat and Dog Import Permits
There are no changes to import conditions for cats and dogs in relation to COVID-19. The department continues to process import permit applications as usual. Please see Industry Advice Notice 24-2021: Permits to import cats and dogs to Australia for more information.
Further information
Importers are encouraged to check our website regularly or subscribe to our mailing list for up-to-date information as import conditions can change without notice.