29 January 2021
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of interest to importers and customs brokers (including class 19.2 Automatic Entry Processing for Commodities (AEPCOMM) accredited persons) of used vehicles that have been cleaned by an offshore treatment provider recognised by the department.
Recognised Offshore Cleaning Provider Scheme
The Recognised Offshore Cleaning Provider Scheme allows used vehicles to be cleaned and pre-inspected by approved offshore treatment providers.
Importers of used vehicles entering Australia under this scheme are eligible to receive reduced inspection onshore.
What has changed?
The department is now providing alternative lodgement options to better facilitate the clearance of consignments of used vehicles treated under the Recognised Offshore Cleaning Provider Scheme. These changes will take effect from 1 February 2021.
Customs brokers and self-reporting importers are encouraged to enter the AEI code in the Full Import Declaration (FID) lodged through the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) or third-party software.
If brokers and self-reporting importers elect to use the AEI option, an AEI code must be entered against each line of vehicle on the FID to receive the reduced inspection rate for the cleaned vehicle/s.
Based on the AEI entered for the vehicles, the department’s Agriculture Import Management System (AIMS) will determine an onshore inspection rate of either 5% (cleaned) or 100% (not cleaned).
For further information on how to enter an AEI into the ICS or third-party software, please refer to the following material:
- Entity Identifier (AEI)
- AEI Quick Reference Guide (PDF
78 KB)
- Task card: Entering an AEI into the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) (PDF
651 KB)
Note: These changes do not impact the inspection booking process. Customs brokers will still be required to contact the department to book inspections are per current practice.
A list of facilities currently recognised by the department and their relevant AEI codes and intervention rates is available on the department’s website for Offshore treatment of used vehicles - recognised providers.
Will the change incorporate AEPCOMM lodgements?
Yes, the AEI functionality will be integrated with Automatic entry processing for Commodities (AEPCOMM) system rules to ensure directions generated by the system apply the appropriate inspection rate for the consignment and in accordance with the offshore treatment providers compliance level. When lodging the FID through the ICS, accredited brokers only need to enter the normal AEPCOMM code (e.g. INS) in conjunction with the offshore treatment provider’s AEI number on each vehicle line (e.g. JP1234UV).
To streamline clearance processes, where possible it is recommended that importers and brokers utilise AEPCOMM for the clearance of used offshore cleaned vehicles. However, self-reporting importers and brokers not utilising AEPCOMM will still be able to access reduced intervention rates through manual entry processing. This will involve submitting documentation and the endorsed manifest via the Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS) to the Assessment Services Group (ASG).
Biosecurity Import Conditions Database (BICON) updates
The BICON Case for ‘New or used vehicles, aircraft and parts’ will be updated to incorporate onshore outcomes for used vehicles that have been treated through the Recognised Offshore Cleaning Provider Scheme, effective from 1 February 2021.
Further information
For additional information, please contact Sea Cargo Policy at imports@aff.gov.au or phone 1800 900 090.
For enquiries relating to the AEP process, contact AEP support.