18 June 2021
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is relevant to importers who have imported goods in accordance with the Quarantine Act 1908 or the Biosecurity Act 2015 under a valid import permit.
Goods that have been imported may be subject to conditions and end use restrictions as stipulated on the import permit.
This notice details the process for importers to apply for approval to use their goods differently.
Note: Importers may already be aware of the process to apply to use imported biological materials in non-laboratory animals such as chickens, sheep and cattle. The process to apply for an in-vivo approval will still be managed as per the process outlined on the following webpage:
What has changed?
The department has made it easier for importers to apply for approval to change their end use restrictions and apply for permission to re-purpose their goods.
Importers of any goods that contain biological components (e.g. laboratory materials, food for human consumption) can apply to have an assessment of their proposed alternate end use.
The process is outlined on the following webpage:
After submission of an application, the department will review the application and assess the biosecurity risk posed by the proposed alternate end use.
Further information
For further information please contact the department on 1800 900 090 or by emailing imports@awe.gov.au