29 May 2020
Who does this notice affect?
Importers, growers and suppliers of fresh kiwifruit from Italy to the Australian market. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MiPAAF).
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the Department) has identified ongoing inspection failures on kiwifruit from Italy and requests assistance from importers and MiPAAF to reduce these failures.
Failures are primarily a result of the detection of live contaminant arthropods. The most commonly intercepted contaminants are mites of the Cunaxidae, Tydeidae and Phytoseiidae families. Other organisms include thrips, and bugs and beetles from the Diaspididae and Chrysomelidae families.
The Department currently manages any potential biosecurity risks associated with these contaminants through on-arrival remedial treatment.
The Department has proposed pre-export methyl bromide fumigation as it is known to be effective against the intercepted contaminant pests. Noting limitations on the use of methyl bromide by European Union countries, the Department will consider alternative measures to reduce pest load where the efficacy can be demonstrated to be equivalent to methyl bromide fumigation.
The Department will monitor compliance in the 2020-2021 season. Where there is evidence of continued inspection failures the Department will introduce an additional pre-export measure that is known to be effective in managing the contaminant pests.
The Department will work with importers and MiPAAF to identify non-compliant pathways and options for additional pre-export measures to reduce contaminant pests.
Further information
For further information regarding this IAN, please email Imports (at imports@aff.gov.au) or telephone 1800 900 090 (Attention - Tier 2- Fresh kiwifruit)