20 November 2020
Who does this notice affect?
Biosecurity industry participants and accredited persons operating under the department’s class 19.2 automatic entry processing for commodities (AEPCOMM) approved arrangement.
What has changed?
As of 7th December 2020, permitted plant fibre products will be available for clearance under the class 19.2 AEPCOMM approved arrangement. The inclusion of permitted plant fibres onto AEPCOMM has been progressed in conjunction with the update to import conditions for the permitted plant fibres BICON case. The change to import conditions are detailed in the following BICON alert notice.
The permitted plant fibres BICON case will include the AEPCOMM elements when the updates to the case are published. The approved commodities and related information webpage will also be updated to reflect this change.
We have also taken the opportunity to update the name of AEPCOMM group: Highly processed and manufactured wooden articles to: Manufactured wooden articles and products. This change is to better align the commodity group title for AEPCOMM with the product descriptions as defined in the Timber and timber products BICON case.
We would also like to remind accredited persons to utilise their AEPCOMM BICON account and refer to the approved commodities and related information webpage when performing assessments to determine if the goods are in scope for AEPCOMM.
Further information
Please contact AEP Support if you have any questions in relation to AEP, or Plant Import Operations in relation to the Permitted plant fibres BICON case.