17 September 2020
Who does this notice affect?
Importers of:
- processed stockfeed, stockfeed ingredients, additives and supplements
- pet food, including bird food and fish food
- aquarium, hatchery or aquaculture feed.
What has changed?
We’re making it easier to apply to import a range of processed plant and animal-based feed and their ingredients to Australia.
Importers can now access the following new and updated resources and forms when applying for an import permit.
Updated production questionnaire
If you are importing processed plant or animal-based animal feed to Australia, you will need to ask the facilities that manufacture and/or export your product to complete our production questionnaire.
Find the revised production questionnaire on our website for applications to import processed:
New resource clarifying our requirements for facilities manufacturing and exporting processed plant-based stockfeed and their ingredients to Australia
This new resource is designed to assist overseas facilities that manufacture, store, handle, transport, and/or export processed plant-based stockfeed and their ingredients to Australia ensure that:
- their processes and procedures effectively manage contamination risks
- they process products to meet Australia’s import conditions.
Our staff will also use this document when conducting audits as part of our assessment of import permit applications.
Visit our website to view our requirements for facilities manufacturing and exporting processed plant-based stockfeed and their ingredients to Australia.
Infographic showing step-by-step process for importing processed plant-based animal feed
We’ve also developed an infographic showing the step-by-step process for importing plant-based animal feed to Australia, including how:
- to apply for a permit
- we assess your permit application
- we manage the biosecurity risks of your goods upon arrival in Australia.
Visit our website to view or download the infographic for importing processed plant-based animal feed to Australia.
Further information
If you have any questions, you can contact us at:
- Email at imports.
- Phone (from within Australia): 1800 900 090
- Phone (from outside Australia): + 61 3 8318 6700