4 December 2019
Who does this notice affect?
Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries—including treatment providers, Biosecurity Industry Participants, importers, customs brokers, principle agents and master consolidators—associated with importing goods that require increased intervention during the 2019-20 BMSB seasonal measures.
What has changed?
The BMSB methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride treatment rates have been updated to incorporate specific start time concentration reading and top up requirements for BMSB fumigations. The updated rates are published on the Seasonal measures for BMSB webpage. These amendments reflect the following conditions for BMSB fumigations:
- All start time concentration readings must be must be above or equal to the prescribed treatment dose (24g/m3), except for sulfuryl fluoride fumigations conducted using an approved third party system.
- Topping up with additional gas at the end of the exposure period is not permitted. If the concentration of gas falls below the minimum end point reading of the treatment rate at any point during the fumigation, the treatment has failed.
All BMSB methyl bromide fumigation and sulfuryl fluoride fumigations performed onshore and offshore must comply with the above conditions from Friday 6 December 2019.
Further information
For further information on these requirements, contact BMSB Treatments.