12 October 2018
Who does this notice affect?
This notice affects commercial operators and importers of bee products into Norfolk Island, Norfolk Island residents and apiarists, and anyone travelling to the island.
Proposed changes for travellers or residents taking honey to the island
Personal consignments of honey must:
- be no more than 750 grams per person
- be commercially prepared and packaged
- have country of origin as Australia
- not be fed to bees.
Please note that conditions 1, 2 and 3 outlined above must be demonstrated via appropriate commercial labelling on the goods.
If these conditions cannot be met, or for personal consignments of all other bee products, commercial conditions must be met.
The 750 grams per person restriction reduces the risk of goods being imported for commercial purposes and the risk of diversion to feed bees or be used in the environment is low.
Proposed changes for commercial operators
Imported bee products, including honey (whether or not containing honeycomb), honeycomb, bee venom, bee’s wax, propolis and royal jelly for commercial use must be:
- processed to remove any potential contaminants to ensure the product is free of insects, seeds, soil, mud, clay, animal material (such as faeces) and plant material (such as straw, twigs, leaves, roots, bark)
- commercially prepared and packaged for:
- retail sale, or
- is a sample and for laboratory analysis only, or
- repackaging for retail sale if the goods are bulk honey only.
- accompanied by a manufacturer’s declaration stating that 1. & 2. have been met
- either:
- the product has come from apiaries in a country or zone free from European foulbrood (M. plutonius) and American foulbrood (Paenibacillus larvae), or
- the product has been treated by irradiation with 15 kGray, or
- treated (pasteurised) at a minimum core temperature of 60 °C for at least 8 hours, or
- the product has been found free of M. plutonius and Paenibacillus larvae by a test method described in the relevant chapter of the OIE Terrestrial Manual.
- accompanied by a Government Health Certificate issued by the exporting country demonstrating that 4. has been met.
The following products are exempt from conditions 4. & 5. above:
- honey or honey product as a liquid in individually packaged units with a capacity of 150 millilitres or less.
- powdered honey in individually packaged units with a capacity of 35 grams or less
- honey that has been used as an ingredient in food for human consumption or cosmetics for use on humans.
- propolis as a liquid tincture, powder, tablet or cream in bottles, tubes, sachets or cosmetics not exceeding 200mL
- royal Jelly in not more than 800mg capsules, 35g sachets or 150mL vials.
To read and comment on the proposed import conditions, please visit: haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au/bee-products-norfolk-island
Public consultation is open until 30 November 2018.
Further information
For more information please contact:
Email: External Territories
Phone: +672 3 22441
Norfolk Island Biosecurity Office
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
PO Box 925
Norfolk Island 2899