14 March 2025
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to advise industry that applications are now open for the accreditation of farms and packhouses for cucurbit species under the winter window pathway listed in the New Zealand Export Plan (NZEP).
Summary of key points and changes
Commodities permitted for export during winter window are:
- Butternut (Cucurbita moschata)
- Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
- Honeydew melon (Cucumis melo)
- Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
- Rockmelon (Cucumis melo)
- Scallopini (Cucurbita pepo)
- Squash (Cucurbita maxima)
- Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
- Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo).
Note: If using the irradiation pathway without the requirement for in-field controls, farm accreditation is not required. For further information refer to the NZEP.
- Requirements for exporting cucurbits to New Zealand (NZ) under the winter window pathway can be found in the NZEP.
- The NZEP is available in the ‘Documents’ section of the Manual of Importing Country Requirements (Micor). To access these documents, you must be a registered Micor plant user.
- All export certification fees and charges applicable to these commodities will be applied as per the department’s charging guidelines.
- In addition to department accreditation all farms must be accredited as a Pest Free Place of Production (PFPP) for Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV) by the relevant state or territory government.
State and Territory CGMMV PFPP requirements – Farms
- Currently, only Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and Northern Territory have systems approved to manage CGMMV PFPPs. Therefore, only farms in these states or territories can export cucurbit species to NZ.
- Farms are required to provide us with their certificate of accreditation as a PFPP and endorsed property plan at the time of applying to the department or during the department audit.
Department requirements
Accredited property responsibilities – Farms and packhouses
- Farms and packhouses intending to export under the winter window pathway (1 May to
1 September 2025) must apply for accreditation to the Audit and Assurance Branch by COB Friday 11 April 2025, to be an accredited property under the NZEP. - Farms and packhouses must be available for audits at the frequency outlined in the table of section 12 of the NZEP.
- Debt checks will now occur on all accredited property applications. Properties with debt owing to the department will be notified and given 10 business days to pay the relevant debt or enter an arrangement to pay the debt. If the debt is not paid, the accredited property application will be refused.
- Accreditation and/or continuation of accreditation will be reliant on audit outcomes.
Note: We may use a combination of announced and unannounced audits as part of our assurance process.
Crop monitor responsibilities
- Online crop monitor training and assessment for cucurbits must be completed annually through the Core Crop Monitoring module on Learnhub.
- Crop monitors must register to conduct crop monitor training by completing and submitting the Crop Monitor Training Request Form, including those who have completed training in previous seasons.
- Crop monitors must complete the training and pass the assessments by COB Friday 18 April 2025.
- Crop monitors will be audited for compliance at the relevant accredited property audit.
Exporter responsibilities
- Exporters sourcing produce from farms and suppliers to export to NZ must ensure that the farm is accredited as a PFPP by their relevant state or territory government.
- Exporters must provide evidence in the form of a Plant Health Assurance Certificate from the relevant state or territory government, to Assessment Services Exports when requesting authorisation of their phytosanitary certificate.
Contact information
If you have any questions regarding this IAN, please email the Horticulture Exports Program.
Jemma Martin
Assistant Secretary
Plant Exports Branch