13 March 2025
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to notify industry that the 2023-24 financial results for all agriculture export arrangements are available on our website.
Summary of changes and key points
- The grain export cost recovery arrangement financial performance 2023–24 report describes the arrangement’s financial performance against the department’s budget and Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS).
- Our cost recovery web page has been updated to include 2023-24 financial and non-financial performance results.
Next Steps
- We will update the CRIS for 2025–26 for 1 July 2025, in line with Australian Government Charging Framework. Fees and charges will not change in this CRIS.
- The 2024-25 CRISs are published on the department’s website.
Contact information
If you have any questions regarding this advice, please email Cost Recovery.
Maria Loyman
Assistant Secretary
Funding and Revenue Branch