31 August 2018
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to remind industry that when exporting fresh rockmelons and honeydew melons to New Zealand under the dimethoate dipping pathway, the treatment must be applied in accordance with the Australian – New Zealand Bilateral Quarantine Arrangement Systems Operation Manual 6E and Australian phytosanitary treatment application standard for dimethoate dipping treatment.
Summary of changes and key points
- Dimethoate dipping uses chemical at a specific concentration for a specific period of time to mitigate the risk of RG3 pests such as cucumber fruit fly and Mediterranean fruit fly.
- Compliance with the Australian phytosanitary treatment application standard for dimethoate dipping treatment ensures treatments are undertaken in a consistent and effective manner and reaches the required efficacy when applied.
- Dimethoate dipping is not approved for managing various life stages of RG2, RG1 or unidentified pests such as Drosophila or Atherigona species detected during Exporter Delegate or phytosanitary inspection.
- The detection of any life stage, including eggs, of RG2, RG1 or unidentified pests before or after dimethoate dipping will require a reconditioning treatment in line with the requirements in the Guideline: Inspection of horticulture for export.
- New Zealand accepts methyl bromide fumigation as a reconditioning treatment for selected surface feeding pests. These treatments are pest and commodity specific. Exporters must use a valid treatment schedule available in the Acceptance of Offshore Methyl Bromide Fumigation Treatments – Bilateral Arrangement between Australia and New Zealand, September 2003 (Bilateral arrangement) in the document section of MICoR Plants.
- Treatments must be undertaken at facilities approved by the department.
- The methyl bromide re-conditioning treatment will only be endorsed on the phytosanitary certificate when listed on the Request for Permit (RFP) and evidence attesting to the treatment is provided to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.
- Where eggs are detected on product that has been re-conditioned under the Bilateral arrangement, the inspector is to accept that the treatment has been performed correctly and the eggs are non-viable, unless there is evidence to suggest that the efficacy of the treatment is in doubt, for example, live insects are detected, in which case the inspection is to be failed.
- Procedures must be in place to identify and segregate treated products from any untreated products stored at the premises.
- Post treatment product security must be maintained to avoid re-infestation or contamination.
The department is concerned with the number of overseas detections of live pests on dimethoate dipped product. The objective of a phytosanitary treatment is to prevent the introduction and spread of regulated pests in international trade. Effective phytosanitary treatments are critical to managing biosecurity risks and safeguarding trade.
Contact information
If you have any questions regarding this IAN please email Horticulture Exports Program.
David Ironside
Assistant Secretary
Plant Export Operations Branch