24 January 2018
The purpose of this Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to advise industry that applications are now open for growers, packhouses and treatment facilities to apply for the export of persimmons to Thailand 2018.
Only growers located in Queensland are eligible to apply under the protocol agreement.
Summary of changes and key points
Only orchards located in Queensland are eligible to apply.
- Applications are due by the close of business on 7 February 2018.
- Growers applying to export persimmons need to complete and email the Application for Orchard Approval for Persimmons to Thailand
[129 KB, 3 pages] to Audit Services.
- Packhouses and treatment facilities applying export persimmons need to complete and email the Application for Packhouse and Treatment Facility Approval for Persimmon Exports to Thailand
[129 KB, 2 pages] to AuditServices.
- Growers may divide their orchard into blocks. Each block must be clearly identified on the application form and on the orchard map by its physical address or geographic co-ordinates. Further detail on map and block requirements can be found on the application forms.
- Packhouses must be able to provide evidence of a current HACCP or good manufacturing practices (GMP) accreditation to show that the goods are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards.
- The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources will contact all entities applying for export to notify of audit dates and provide an audit briefing. Audits will be carried out against requirements in the protocol. Following completion of audits, results will be communicated to entities by the department. Export approval number/s will be provided to orchards, packhouses and treatment facilities.
- For specific market requirements, refer to the relevant protocol on the Manual of Importing Country Requirements (MICoR) Plant website to find work plans. To access these documents, you must be a registered MICoR Plant user.
- To register for MICoR, go to the registration webpage, complete all fields, and 'Submit'. You will be provided with your login details by email.
The protocol for exporting persimmons to Thailand mandates that orchards, packhouses and treatment facilities are registered with the department prior to the beginning of the export season.
The protocol requires that persimmons must be produced in Australia and sourced from a Thailand approved production area. Currently only persimmons produced in Queensland are permitted for export to Thailand under the protocol.
Persimmon growers, packhouses and treatment facilities that wish to export to Thailand during the 2018 export season must ensure that their respective registration applications are submitted before close of business 7 February 2018. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Contact information
If you have any questions regarding this IAN please email the Horticulture Exports Program.
Ms Vikki Fischer
A/g Assistant Secretary
Plant Export Operations Branch