24 December 2015
To advise Australian exporters and Authorised Officers that the exporter’s declaration statement for wheat (Triticum aestivum, Triticum durum and Triticum tauschii) and barley (Hodeum vulgare) for processing, consumption and stockfeed to the People’s Republic of China will be amended as a result of technical discussions held between the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (department) and a visiting Chinese delegation.
A protocol and the supporting Industry Management Plan (IMP) were agreed between the governments of China and Australia in December 2014 to define China’s phytosanitary requirements for the trade of wheat and barley from Australia. The IMP includes agreed measures to minimise foreign matter, including snails and weed seeds of quarantine concern to China.
For each consignment of wheat or barley, exporters must provide a signed declaration confirming adherence to the IMP. The declaration is a legally binding document provided to the department prior to the issuance of a Phytosanitary Certificate.
From 25 November to 3 December 2015 technical discussions were held by the department and a visiting Chinese technical delegation regarding market maintenance for Australian grain exports to China. China’s quarantine authorities expressed concern regarding quarantine pest interceptions in shipments of grain from Australia. As a result, amendments have been made to the statement required on the exporter’s declaration for Australian wheat and barley to China. Exporters are reminded that giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
Summary of changes and key points
The amendments to the signed exporter’s declaration are effective immediately.
- As per current requirements the exporter is required to provide a signed declaration on a company letterhead to the departmental authorised officer at the time of requesting issuance of certification.
- The declaration must confirm adherence to the IMP and declare that exporters have managed stock selection for cargoes destined for the China market, to ensure that pests of quarantine concern are minimised.
- The declaration must attest that “The consignment complies with the Industry Management Plan to supply wheat and barley to the Chinese Market and the stock has been selected for export to China from areas where the presence of pests is minimised in accordance with the protocol.”
Exporter’s responsibilities
- Exporters of wheat and barley to China should familiarise themselves with the IMP and changes made to the declaration statement. Exporters must ensure they include the updated wording on all exporter’s declarations.
Authorised Officer Responsibilities
- Authorised Officers should ensure they are familiar with the changes made to the exporter’s declaration statement and ensure all declarations include the updated wording.
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this IAN please email Plant Export Training or phone (02) 6272 3229.
Dr Chris Parker
Assistant Secretary
Plant Export Operations Branch