25 June 2012
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) supersedes IAN 2004/17 and is issued to inform exporters that the Indian Plant Protection Organisation has updated the list of prohibited weed seeds for Australian Commodities.
The Plant Quarantine Organisation of India has revised the prohibited weed seed list for Australian commodities, removing Bromus diandrus and Bromus ridigus from the list of weeds of quarantine concern. Details of the updated legislation is available from the Plant Quarantine Organisation of India website.
The following is a list of prohibited weed seeds for Australian exporters of plants and product Products to India:
No | Weed Seed | No | Weed Seed |
1 | Allium vineale | 17 | Froelichia floridana |
2 | Ambrosia maritime | 18 | Helianthus californicus |
3 | Ambrosia psilostrachya | 19 | Helianthus ciliaris |
4 | Ambrosia trifida | 20 | Heliotropium amplexicaule |
5 | Apera-spica-venti | 21 | Leersia japonica |
6 | Bromus secalinus | 22 | Matricaria performatum |
7 | Cenchrus tribuloides | 23 | Polygonum cuspidatum |
8 | Centaurea diffusa | 24 | Proboscidea louisianica |
9 | Centaurea maculosa | 25 | Salsola vermiculata |
10 | Centaurea solstitialis | 26 | Senecia jacobaea |
11 | Centaurea pumilum | 27 | Solanum carolinense |
12 | Centaurea spinosum | 28 | Striga hermonthica |
13 | Cordia curassavica | 29 | Thesium australe |
14 | Cuscuta australis | 30 | Thesium humiaale |
15 | Cynoglossum officinale | 31 | Viola arvensis |
16 | Echinochloa crus-pavonts | - | - |
Exporter’s responsibilities
- Exporters must present an import permit (if required) and other relevant documents when booking an inspection.
- Exporters must ensure that consignments of plants and plant products are free of all weed species prohibited under Schedule VIII (listed above) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order 2003 and present a certificate of analysis from a representative sample analysed by a laboratory for the presence of the prohibited weed species to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.
- Exporters must refer to the Manual of Importing Country Requirements prior to export to ensure import conditions can be complied with.
Authorised Officer’s responsibilities
- Authorised officers must inspect the goods and be satisfied there are no weeds seeds of quarantine concern to India present in the inspected samples before the goods can be passed as export compliant.
For any further details please contact Grain and Seed Export program on +61 02 6272 3229.
Kylie Calhoun
A/g Assistant Secretary
Plant Export Operations
Contact Grain Export