Date of issue: 22 September 2021
Date of effect: 22 September 2021
- Registered dairy exporters, manufacturers, agents, freight forwarders, and automated export permit issuers.
- Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment - Central and Regional offices.
To notify dairy stakeholders of the Automated Export Permit Issuers (AEPI) functionality available in the Next Export Documentation (NEXDOC) system.
Key points
Did you know that AEPI’s can self-authorise a request for export (REX) in some circumstances? This means that it does not have to be manually processed by a departmental officer which can save exporters both time and money.
If you would like to become an AEPI in NEXDOC, you will need to submit an application which can be found on the department’s website. Alternatively, you can apply via the NEXDOC portal.
For existing AEPI users, you would be aware that this functionality was available in the Export Documentation (EXDOC) system for dairy and still is for other commodities such as fish and eggs. However, with the transition to NEXDOC there have been some changes that we would like to bring to your attention (for dairy only):
- An AQA user ID will not be issued to you. Instead, the AEPI permission will be activated within your NEXDOC profile.
- In EXDOC, you were linked to an EDI number(s). You will now identify as a member within a NEXDOC Client Group.
To authorise a REX as an approved AEPI, you must:
- have a completed export eligibility checklist signed by an approved AEPI.
- set the authorisation flag to ‘Y’ in NEXDOC.
- provide an authorisation date in NEXDOC.
If these conditions are met, the REX will be granted a permit immediately upon lodgement. If the REX is connected to the Single Electronic Window (SEW) it will provide the permit number to the Integrated Cargo System (ICS). ICS will then allocate an export declaration number (EDN) to the REX.
The REX can also be AEPI authorised post lodgement using the ‘Amend’ service. If the authorisation flag is set to ‘Y’ but no date is provided, then the REX will remain at FINAL. As you have indicated that you will authorise the REX, no departmental officer will authorise the REX.
If you require a departmental officer to authorise the REX, then the authorisation flag will need to be set to ‘N’. This will notify a departmental officer that the REX requires authorisation.
The information provided in this advice is current at the time of writing and is intended for use as guidance only and should not be taken as definitive or exhaustive. The Commonwealth endeavours to keep information current and accurate, however, it may be subject to change without notice. Exporters are encouraged to verify these details with their importers prior to undertaking production/exports. The Commonwealth will not accept liability for any loss resulting from reliance on information contained in this notice.