The fourth NSW RFAs Annual Meeting of Officials took place both in person in Canberra and videoconference on 23 November 2022. The meeting was attended by officials from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the NSW Government Department of Planning and Environment (which includes the Environment Protection Authority, and the Environment and Heritage Group (including the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service)), Department of Regional NSW (which includes NSW Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services) and the NSW Natural Resources Commission.
The meeting and this communique satisfy the requirements of clauses 8B and 8C of the three NSW RFAs for the Eden, North East and Southern regions:
- 8B: The Parties agree to hold annual officials-level, bi-lateral meetings in the years between each five-yearly review to monitor the implementation of the Agreement and discuss any matters or issues that arise.
- 8C: An online statement will be made publicly available on the outcomes of the meeting.
Officials received updates on matters relating to the NSW Forest Management Framework. This included discussion about the new Private Native Forestry (PNF) Codes of Practice released on 2 May 2022. This included discussion about the key changes to the codes and future PNF monitoring and research. An update was also given on the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the Long term sustainability and future of the timber and forest products industry.
Officials from the NSW Environment and Heritage Group gave an update on recent additions to the Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative reserve system. This included discussion about transfers of forest estate to National Parks and Wildlife Service management under the NSW Koala Strategy.
Officials discussed the Long-term Ecologically Sustainable Yield review in response to the 2019-20 bushfires, the impact on wood supply, and the upcoming Sustainable Yield review due in 2024.
Officials discussed research priorities and recent developments for forest-related monitoring, evaluation and reporting in NSW. An update was provided by the NSW Natural Resources Commission on the progress of the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program – 2019 – 2024. An update was also provided by NSW officials on the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) Plan as required under the RFAs, as well as the development of a MER framework for PNF. Officials also discussed identifying future research gaps for RFA 5-yearly review reporting.
Officials discussed conservation advice and recovery plans, particularly for species listed as Matters of National Environmental Significance and an update was provided on federal koala conservation programs. Officials discussed compliance activities for a range of forest management matters including for the Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals and for the PNF Codes.
Officials considered preparations for the five yearly review in 2024, as required by clauses 8A and 8B of the NSW RFAs. This included a proposed structure for the outcomes focused Progress Report, arrangements to finalise the draft Scoping Agreement, a draft Joint Communications Plan and a proposed timeline for the review through to the end of 2024.
Officials noted that the next annual meeting is required to be held no later than 28 November 2023 and agreed to meet before that date.
23 November 2022