Develop an agreed national framework to support measurement, monitoring, mapping, reporting and sharing of soil state and trend information to inform best practice management, decision-making and future investment.
Priority 1 links to goals 1 (Prioritise soil health) and 3 (Strengthen soil knowledge and capability) of the National Soil Strategy.
Focus of activities
Priority 1 activities focus on developing a national framework which will support the measurement, monitoring, mapping, reporting and sharing of soil state and trend information.
Focus areas for priority 1:
- develop a strong governance framework for soil information nationally to ensure soil information is collected and managed to agreed standards
- ongoing soil investigations and mapping programs to increase our knowledge of Australian soil
- ensure existing and new soil data and information is publicly accessible through the Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) to inform future soil investment (subject to privacy and permission levels)
- establish a nationally agreed set of soil health indicators for soil monitoring to report on national soil state and trends and provide the foundation for future national environmental and natural capital reporting
- promote and embed ANSIS as Australia’s national soil data system to inform best practice soil management and assist decision-making.
Joint partners
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Natural Heritage Trust (NHT)
The 2023-24 Budget includes $302.1 million over five years for climate-smart, sustainable agriculture investments under the NHT. Through effective on-ground projects, the government is supporting farmers to manage climate risks in their on-farm natural capital and adopt effective natural resource and land management practices. This also includes investment to continue to support on-ground, soil-related projects, such as the Regional Soil Coordinators program and the National Soil Community of Practice, which facilitate soil extension services and promote soil knowledge sharing and innovation for more effective and sustainable land management practices.
This also addresses actions in Priority 3.
Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS)
ANSIS provides the mechanism to access nationally consistent soil data and information through a collaborative partnership to support the sustainable management of one of our nation’s most precious assets. The data will support stakeholders make evidence-based decisions to improve soil health at a range of scales.
National Soil Monitoring Program
The Australian Government, through the NHT, has committed $21.6 million over 5 years to design and deliver a new National Soil Monitoring Program (NSMP). Soil monitoring will increase our understanding of soil condition and trends with relation to climate, land use and land management practices, and contribute to the information needed to improve agriculture productivity and sustainability. Data collected will be consistent and made publicly available on ANSIS.