Options for the Development of National Standards and Guidelines for Animal Welfare
AWTG 24-05 noted an update from the secretariat that the subgroup met to review the standards development framework and process map which have incorporated substantial stakeholder feedback. These documents will be finalised and the subgroup will seek endorsement from AWTG.
Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Livestock at Processing Facilities and Establishments
AWTG 24-05 noted an update from Queensland that the third draft of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Livestock at processing Facilities and Establishments has been circulated to AWTG members to provide feedback. Public consultation will be the next step. It was noted that Queensland is now in caretaker period ahead of a 26 October state election.
Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Land Transport of Livestock - horses
AWTG 24-05 noted an update from Victoria that both Victoria and Queensland have carried out consultation and worked with the National Horse Traceability Implementation Taskforce regarding better alignment of the record keeping requirements between the two sets of standards. AWTG members agreed that the finalised proposed amendments to the Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Land Transport of Livestock to improve the welfare of horses will be progressed to agriculture senior officials.
Virtual Fencing Technology
AWTG 24-05 noted an update from the Commonwealth that drafting of the Australian animal welfare guide for virtual fencing continues. The subgroup is in discussions with virtual fencing technology suppliers to organise meetings and potential on farm visits for demonstration of their products. These activities will inform the development of the guide.
Implementation of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry into state and territory legislation
AWTG 24-05 noted an update from Victoria that the subgroup has met twice since the last AWTG meeting to talk through cross-jurisdictional implementation issues.
Renewed Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS)
AWTG 24-05 noted the release of the consultation summary from the first tranche of stakeholder engagement on the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). View the consultation summary. A series of facilitated stakeholder workshops has also been completed to inform the development of a National Statement on Animal Welfare during 2024.