Options for the Development of National Standards and Guidelines for Animal Welfare
AWTG 24-03 noted an update from the secretariat that a series of targeted stakeholder engagement sessions to discuss the draft standards development framework have been completed. The subgroup will work through how to incorporate the feedback.
Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Livestock at Processing Facilities and Establishments
AWTG 24-03 noted an update from Queensland that the review of stakeholder feedback of the first draft standards is complete and has been incorporated into a second draft. Key stakeholders will be approached directly for their feedback and public consultation will occur mid-2024.
Virtual Fencing Technology
AWTG 24-03 noted an update from the Commonwealth that virtual fencing stakeholder reference group meetings have been progressing well. Drafting is underway for the preferred approach to support harmonisation, which is the development of a guide. The guide will draw upon and reference the literature review published in late 2023.
Renewed Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS)
AWTG 24-03 noted an update from the Commonwealth that a Have Your Say survey and submission process is open until 30 June 2024. A non-representative strategy advisory group has been established as part of the governance framework for renewal of the strategy. It will advise the DAFF project team and does not have a decision-making function. Focus groups with a broad range of stakeholders to discuss system level challenges and opportunities are underway and will continue until the end of June. The development of a co-design strategy to guide the drafting of animal group chapters is also underway.
Further Information
If you would like further information on current AWTG projects or to engage with the AWTG on projects from the work plan, please contact the secretariat: awtg@aff.gov.au
Post: AWTG c/- Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,
GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia