Options for the Development of National Standards and Guidelines for Animal Welfare
AWTG 05-23 noted an update from the secretariat that a subgroup of the AWTG had met and, as requested by all agriculture ministers, discussed practical steps for implementing stage one of improvements to the process for developing nationally consistent animal welfare standards and guidelines. First steps include revisiting the standards development framework and developing a comprehensive stakeholder engagement approach for this work.
Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Livestock at Processing Facilities and Establishments
AWTG 05-23 noted an update from Queensland that a draft of the new standards and guidelines had been circulated to the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) and AWTG members, and submissions had been received. An information initial consultation phase with targeted stakeholders will commence once feedback from the SAG has been assessed. Wider public consultation is planned for early 2024.
Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Land Transport of Livestock - horses
AWTG 05-23 noted an update from Queensland that the decision regulatory impact statement has been submitted to the Australian Government Office of Impact Assessment (OIA). Once OIA has assessed the document, planning for progression through AGSOC and AMM for national endorsement will commence.
Virtual Fencing Technology
AWTG 05-23 noted an update from the Commonwealth that the literature review would be released publicly via the AWTG webpage. This will occur pending final approval from technology developers.
Renewed Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS)
AWTG 05-23 noted an update from the Commonwealth on progress in renewing the AAWS, which will include initiating engagement with State and Territory ministers in conjunction with ongoing collaboration within this committee. A stakeholder engagement plan has been finalised by the department, with a process of consultation to commence shortly.
Further Information
If you would like further information on current AWTG projects or to engage with the AWTG on projects from the work plan, please contact the secretariat: awtg@aff.gov.au
Post: AWTG c/- Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,
GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia