The department and the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries have specific requirements to ensure brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) treatments are conducted and verified effectively. These requirements are comprehensively documented in the department’s treatment methodologies and the Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme.
Key compliance requirements from the scheme and treatment methodologies for BMSB treatments have also been summarised in the below factsheets. The factsheets should be read in conjunction with the scheme and relevant treatment methodology.
BMSB Treatment Factsheets
Document PDF factsheets are the preferred factsheets to be printed |
Pages | File size |
BMSB consignment suitability factsheet PDF | 2 | 966 KB |
BMSB consignment suitability factsheet DOCX | 2 | 192 KB |
BMSB heat treatment factsheet PDF | 2 | 1.0 MB |
BMSB heat treatment factsheet DOCX | 2 | 283 KB |
BMSB methyl bromide fumigation factsheet PDF | 3 | 1.2 MB |
BMSB methyl bromide fumigation factsheet DOCX | 3 | 215 KB |
BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet PDF | 2 | 1.2 MB |
BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet DOCX | 2 | 212 KB |
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Translated version of BMSB Treatment Factsheets
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Document PDF factsheets are the preferred factsheets to be printed |
Pages | File size |
Adéquation des lots pour les BMSB PDF BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – French |
2 | 639 KB |
Adéquation des lots pour les BMSB DOCX BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – French |
2 | 216 KB |
Exigences de conformité pour le traitement thermique des BMSB PDF BMSB heat treatment factsheet – French |
2 | 642 KB |
Exigences de conformité pour le traitement thermique des BMSB DOCX BMSB heat treatment factsheet – French |
2 | 271 KB |
Exigences de conformité pour la fumigation des BMSB au fluorure de sulfuryle PDF BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – French |
3 | 656 KB |
Exigences de conformité pour la fumigation des BMSB au fluorure de sulfuryle DOCX BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – French |
3 | 219 KB |
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Document PDF factsheets are the preferred factsheets to be printed |
Pages | File size |
BMSB Sendungstauglichkeit PDF BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – German |
2 | 639 KB |
BMSB Sendungstauglichkeit DOCX BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – German |
3 | 224 KB |
Anforderungen zur ordnungsgemäßen Ausführung der BMSB-Wärmebehandlung PDF BMSB heat treatment factsheet – German |
3 | 643 KB |
Anforderungen zur ordnungsgemäßen Ausführung der BMSB-Wärmebehandlung DOCX BMSB heat treatment factsheet – German |
2 | 271 KB |
Konformitätsanforder-ungen an die BMSB-Sulfurylfluorid-Begasung PDF BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – German |
2 | 657 KB |
Konformitätsanforder-ungen an die BMSB-Sulfurylfluorid-Begasung DOCX BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – German |
2 | 216 KB |
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Document PDF factsheets are the preferred factsheets to be printed |
Pages | File size |
Καταλληλότητα αποστολής BMSB PDF BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Greek |
3 | 590 KB |
Καταλληλότητα αποστολής BMSB DOCX BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Greek |
3 | 223 KB |
Arrat-rr)OEtc ouppópcpwaric yta -rri 0Epiltkr) arrEv-rópwari yta BMSB PDF BMSB heat treatment factsheet – Greek |
3 | 604 KB |
Arrat-rr)OEtc ouppópcpwaric yta -rri 0Epiltkr) arrEv-rópwari yta BMSB DOCX BMSB heat treatment factsheet – Greek |
3 | 242 KB |
Απαιτήσεις συμμόρφωσης για υποκαπνισμό με σουλφουρυλοφθορίδιο, για BMSB PDF BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Greek |
3 | 624 KB |
Απαιτήσεις συμμόρφωσης για υποκαπνισμό με σουλφουρυλοφθορίδιο, για BMSB DOCX BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Greek |
3 | 299 KB |
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Document PDF factsheets are the preferred factsheets to be printed |
Pages | File size |
Пригодность груза к обработке от коричневого мраморного клопа PDF BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Russian |
2 | 594 KB |
Пригодность груза к обработке от коричневого мраморного клопа DOCX BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Russian |
2 | 223 KB |
Требования по Соответствию термообработки от BMSB PDF BMSB heat treatment factsheet – Russian |
2 | 613 KB |
Требования по Соответствию термообработки от BMSB DOCX BMSB heat treatment factsheet– Russian |
2 | 263 KB |
Требования по соответствию фумигации бромистым метилом от BMSB PDF BMSB methyl bromide fumigation factsheet – Russian |
2 | 623 KB |
Требования по соответствию фумигации бромистым метилом от BMSB DOCX BMSB methyl bromide fumigation factsheet – Russian |
2 | 375 KB |
Требования по соответствию фумигации сульфурилфторидом от BMSB PDF BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Russian |
3 | 653 KB |
Требования по соответствию фумигации сульфурилфторидом от BMSB DOCX BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Russian |
3 | 224 KB |
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Document PDF factsheets are the preferred factsheets to be printed |
Pages | File size |
Idoneidad del envío BMSB PDF BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Spanish |
2 | 635 KB |
Idoneidad del envío BMSB DOCX BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Spanish |
2 | 216 KB |
Requisitos para el cumplimiento del tratamiento térmico contra la BMSB PDF BMSB heat treatment factsheet – Spanish |
3 | 642 KB |
Requisitos para el cumplimiento del tratamiento térmico contra la BMSB DOCX BMSB heat treatment factsheet – Spanish |
3 | 254 KB |
Requisitos de cumplimiento de la fumigación con fluoruro de sulfurilo de BMSB PDF BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Spanish |
2 | 655 KB |
Requisitos de cumplimiento de la fumigación con fluoruro de sulfurilo de BMSB DOCX BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Spanish |
2 | 219 KB |
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Document PDF factsheets are the preferred factsheets to be printed |
Pages | File size |
BMSB Sevkıyata uygunluk PDF BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Turkish |
2 | 583 KB |
BMSB Sevkıyata uygunluk DOCX BMSB consignment suitability factsheet – Turkish |
2 | 220 KB |
BMSB Isıl işlem uygunluk gereklilikleri PDF BMSB heat treatment factsheet – Turkish |
3 | 626 KB |
BMSB Isıl işlem uygunluk gereklilikleri DOCX BMSB heat treatment factsheet – Turkish |
3 | 263 KB |
BMSB Metil Bromür fümigasyon uyumluluk gereklilikleri PDF BMSB methyl bromide fumigation factsheet – Turkish |
2 | 641 KB |
BMSB Metil Bromür fümigasyon uyumluluk gereklilikleri DOCX BMSB methyl bromide fumigation factsheet – Turkish |
2 | 280 KB |
BMSB Sülfüril Florür fümigasyon uyumluluk gereksinimleri PDF BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Turkish |
2 | 643 KB |
BMSB Sülfüril Florür fümigasyon uyumluluk gereksinimleri DOCX BMSB sulfuryl fluoride fumigation factsheet – Turkish |
2 | 373KB |
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