The Seafood Export Consultative Committee (SECC) is the principal consultative committee for the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) to consult with the Australian seafood export industry on technical and administrative matters in relation to the export of fish and fish products.
The aim of SECC is to provide an effective and ongoing forum for formal liaison and consultation between the department and relevant stakeholders in the industry. SECC will consider and provide advice to the department on matters which are relevant to the industry.
The aim of SECC is to:
- Assist the department to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of export certification, export market access and issues relevant to the industry
- promote the coordination of department activities and the industry to facilitate exports of seafood
- provide technical input into policy development and regulatory changes
- focus strategically on improvements to operational and market access issues facing the seafood export industry, including ways to reduce regulatory burden
- discuss and agree on priorities for seafood market access issues through departmental processes and importing country reviews
- act as an effective conduit for information exchange between the department, industry and state authorities
- inform industry on operational matters and priorities around audit, export issue, resourcing, and finances.
The membership of SECC consists of representatives from:
- Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
- Seafood export establishments
- Seafood industry representative bodies.
SECC meets twice per year. Special meetings are also convened if urgent issues arise.
For further information about SECC
Email the secretariat at: SECC