FOODmap is a comprehensive comparative analysis of food distribution channels for major categories within the Australian food industry, from food producer to consumer. It summarises the key features of a food industry that continues to undergo change, with significant opportunities and challenges at a category level.
The FOODmap publication contains:
- an outline of the major changes affecting retail food markets and their supply chains
- a mapping of the structure of food distribution chains in the Australian food industry
- a mapping of volumes of product flow through value chains at a food category level
- identification of drivers of volume and value for major food groups within each of the channels
- an outline of the effects of consumer behaviour on the structure of the retail food market
- an assessment of the relative self-sufficiency and stability in food supply, and
- identification of the exposure to volatility for the major food and beverage categories.
'FOODmap: An analysis of the Australian food supply chain' has been prepared by food industry specialists Freshlogic for the department. This report builds on 'FOODmap: A comparative analysis of Australian food distribution channels', published in 2007.
FOODmap: An analysis of the Australian food supply chain PDF
[5.9 MB, 108 pages] (revised 30 July 2012)
FOODmap: An analysis of the Australian food supply chain DOCX
[4 MB, 108 pages]
(revised 30 July 2012)
Errata (30 July 2012)
FOODmap: An analysis of the Australian food supply chain PDF
[117 KB, 2 pages]
FOODmap: An analysis of the Australian food supply chain DOCX
[19 KB, 2 pages]
FOODmap: A comparative analysis of Australian food distribution channels 2007 PDF [2 MB, 95 pages]