The Agricultural Commodities Report contains ABARES' forecasts for the value, volume and price of Australia's agricultural
production and exports, and average broadacre farm performance.
Underpinning the forecasts contained in the Agricultural Commodities Report are ABARES' outlook
for global commodity prices, demand and supply. Each edition of the report factors in how changes to this outlook affect
Australian producers and the value of their produce. Important risks to the outlook are also considered and discussed in
each report.
A ‘medium term’ (5 year) outlook is published each year in the March edition of the Agricultural Commodities Report.
Each June, September and December edition contains a short-term outlook. In June, the forecast period is to the end of the
next Australian financial year (July to June). In September and December, the forecast period is to the end of the current
Australian financial year.
Definitions provides more information around specific terms and classifications included in the report.
Agricultural commodities and trade data provides the recent and historical data used in the report.
Historical agricultural forecast database provides a comprehensive source of historical ABARES agricultural forecasts.
The Australian Crop Report contains ABARES state level forecasts for the area, yield and production of Australia’s major winter
and summer broadacre crops.
Latest release
Agricultural Commodities Report: June 2025
12:01am AEST, Tuesday 3 June 2025
Access the previous digital publications of the Agricultural Commodities Report on the previous reports page and ABARES historical publications archive.
Agricultural Commodity Statistics
The Agricultural Commodity Statistics (ACS) provides comprehensive data on the Australian agriculture, fisheries, and
forestry sectors. The publication covers a wide range of commodities, such as broadacre crops, horticulture, livestock,
fisheries, and forestry products. Key areas of focus include:
- Production statistics – detailing quantities and values of agricultural output.
- Trade data – including Australian imports and exports of agricultural products.
- Financial performance – analysing prices, costs, employment, and revenue in the sector.
The publication serves as an important resource for policymakers, researchers, and industry to track trends and make
informed decisions.
The ACS data tables are available in downloadable format at Agricultural commodities and trade data.
Other research
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The significant fall in livestock saleyard prices over recent months has been driven by a large increase in animal supply and a fall in demand.
Cattle feedlot industry
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The growing feedlot industry plays an important role in smoothing Australian beef production and export availability.
Meat processing labour
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Slaughter volumes correlated with meat and livestock prices.
Foot-and-mouth disease
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China's meat import demand
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Analysis of China's meat import demand in 2022.