Our biosecurity system plays a critical role in maintaining Australia’s agricultural industries, supporting our environment and way of life.
The Australian Biosecurity Awards recognise individuals, groups and organisations that have shown a commitment to supporting and promoting Australia’s biosecurity and the systems that underpin it.
Sharing their stories promotes the importance of biosecurity and encourages excellence and best practice in the biosecurity sector.
Subscribe now to Biosecurity Matters to receive updates on the awards, including future nomination timing.
Meet the 2024 award winners

2024 Australian Biosecurity Awards
Congratulations to the 2024 award winners.
The awards were announced at an event joined by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry on 25 November 2024.
Award categories and selection criteria
These awards celebrate biosecurity contributions across 9 categories.
The Dr David Banks Biosecurity Lifetime Achievement Award recognises individuals who have made an outstanding contribution beyond their normal responsibilities for Australian biosecurity over a sustained period of time.
- 10 or more years of sustained contribution to Australian biosecurity.
- Demonstrates a significant contribution to Australian biosecurity in the areas of research, industry achievement, professional leadership or service.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
The Dr Kim Ritman Award for Science and Innovation recognises outstanding ambassadors for science and innovation.
- An individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the maintenance of our plant health status, including preparedness and response to plant health issues such as incursions of emergency plant pests.
- Designs or leads the development of new technology or approaches to assist in the detection and/or management of biosecurity risks.
- Develops and/or implements an innovation that has strengthened our biosecurity systems for managing the risk that exotic plant pests and diseases pose to Australia.
- Develops, promotes and leads efforts to strengthen scientific capacity and increase capability across the biosecurity system, both domestically and internationally.
See the 2024 winner for this category.

The First Nations Award for Excellence in Biosecurity was introduced in 2024 and recognises Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals, groups and organisations that have made an outstanding contribution beyond their normal responsibilities to Australian biosecurity. This award recognises exceptional commitment to improving the protection of Country and people from pests, weeds and diseases.
This award is open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals, groups, or organisations (such as ranger programs).
- Contributes to managing the threat of exotic and established pests, weeds and diseases (including emerging threats).
- Demonstrates connection to First Nations people, community and culture.
- Promotes Caring for Country and/or protecting Australia's biosecurity.
- Helps to increase First Nations capability, capacity and involvement in the biosecurity system.
- Embraces Indigenous Knowledges and/or develops new techniques or tools to improve biosecurity outcomes through analysis, research or innovation.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
Australian primary producers, including individuals and organisations can be nominated. This comprises all forms of Australian farming, including large commercial operations, new and emerging niche industries, operators and hobby-level farmers.
- Demonstrates a sound understanding of the 6 essentials of farm biosecurity:
- Farm inputs
- People, vehicles and equipment
- Production practices
- Feral animals and weeds
- Farm outputs
- Train, plan and record.
- Applies biosecurity practices relevant to their property/properties.
- Carries out biosecurity activities as best-practice preventative measures, rather than in response to specific threats.
- Shows evidence of their biosecurity activities. For example, through planning, records, procedures.
- Advocates for proactive on-farm biosecurity practices among their peers.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
We present this award jointly with Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia.
The Industry award recognises individuals, groups or organisations that have demonstrated a significant contribution to maintaining Australia’s biosecurity integrity.
- Designs, implements and/or leads biosecurity reform initiatives within their organisation and/or industry sector to support Australia’s biosecurity integrity.
- Demonstrates significant biosecurity integrity and raises biosecurity awareness within their operations and/or industry sector.
- Identifies as a First Nations group or organisation and/or demonstrated partnership with First Nations individuals, organisations and communities to improve biosecurity outcomes.
- Collaboratively works with the department to manage biosecurity risk.
- Identifies, reports and/or leads the management of a disease outbreak or pest incursion.
- Reports suspicious activities that may be of biosecurity concern.
- Makes an outstanding contribution to protecting or maintaining animal or plant health.
- Raises awareness of Australia’s biosecurity requirements offshore.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
The Government award recognises individuals, groups or organisations that have demonstrated a significant contribution to maintaining Australia’s biosecurity integrity.
- Designs, implements and/or leads biosecurity reform initiatives within their organisation and/or sector to support Australia’s biosecurity integrity.
- Demonstrates significant biosecurity integrity and raises biosecurity awareness within their operations and/or sector.
- Identifies as a First Nations group or organisation and/or demonstrated partnership with First Nations individuals, organisations and communities to improve biosecurity outcomes.
- Collaboratively works with the department to manage biosecurity risk.
- Identifies, reports and/or leads the management of a disease outbreak or pest incursion.
- Reports suspicious activities that may be of biosecurity concern.
- Makes an outstanding contribution to protecting or maintaining animal or plant health.
- Raises awareness of Australia’s biosecurity requirements offshore.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
The Environmental Biosecurity award recognises individuals, groups or organisations that have made a significant contribution to protecting our environment from biosecurity risks.
- Makes an exceptional contribution to reducing the risks posed to the natural environment and social amenity by new and emerging non-native pests, weeds and diseases including by helping prevent them from entering, emerging, establishing or spreading in Australia.
- Raises awareness and understanding of environmental biosecurity in their region/community or industry sector/state that has changed attitudes and behaviours in ways that reduce biosecurity risks to Australia’s environment. For example, promoted environmental biosecurity in schools/community groups; introduced environment focused work practices in an organisation or industry sector; designed/implemented a government program to improve environmental biosecurity practices in their region/state.
- Develops or applies new knowledge, techniques or tools to improve environmental biosecurity outcomes through analysis, research, extension or innovation.
- Promotes First Nations participation in activities to improve environmental biosecurity outcomes.
- Promotes networks and collaboration to more effectively respond to new and emerging environmental pests, weeds and diseases.
- Plays a significant role in preparing for and responding to environmental pest, weed or disease incursions.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
The Community award recognises individuals, groups or organisations that have made a significant contribution to delivering biosecurity outcomes in the community.
- Designs, implements or leads biosecurity reform initiatives within their organisation and/or community to support Australia’s biosecurity integrity.
- Demonstrates significant biosecurity integrity and raises biosecurity awareness within their operations or community.
- Identifies as a First Nations group or organisation and/or demonstrated partnership with First Nations individuals, organisations and communities to improve biosecurity outcomes.
- Identifies, reports or leads the management of a disease outbreak or pest incursion.
- Reports suspicious activities that may be of biosecurity concern.
- Makes an outstanding contribution to protecting or maintaining animal or plant health.
- Raises awareness of Australia’s biosecurity requirements offshore.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
The Education award recognises individuals, groups or organisations that have made a significant contribution to biosecurity education.
- Identifies as a school, curriculum or related initiative, including higher education facilities with biosecurity courses, curriculum or projects to raise community awareness.
- Develops biosecurity education approaches during the school year.
- Includes biosecurity related activities in their curriculum.
- Establishes communication links with state or territory governments on biosecurity matters.
- Demonstrates commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in the biosecurity space.
- Identifies as a First Nations group or organisation and/or demonstrated partnership with First Nations individuals, organisations and communities to improve biosecurity outcomes.
See the 2024 winner for this category.
Past recipients
Past winners include:
- industry leaders in biosecurity
- long-serving biosecurity officials
- groups and individuals who managed significant pest and disease detections.
Their stories show how important biosecurity is and why we must all do our part.
Learn more about our past Australian Biosecurity Award recipients.