This page provides access to national non-spatial data about Australia's forests, produced for reporting in Australia's State of the Forests Report 2018, Australian Forest and Wood Products Statistics publications and other publications.
The following data workbooks (in Microsoft Excel) contain data for the tables and figures from the following chapters within Australia's State of the Forests Report 2018:
Executive summary: [0.3 MB]
Criterion 1: Conservation of biological diversity [0.5 MB zipped]
Criterion 2: Maintenance of productive capacity of forest ecosystems [0.5 MB zipped]
Criterion 3: Maintenance of ecosystem health and vitality [0.1 MB zipped]
Criterion 4: Conservation and maintenance of soil and water resources [0.2 MB zipped]
Criterion 5: Maintenance of forest contribution to global carbon cycles [0.1 MB]
Criterion 6: Maintenance and enhancement of long-term multiple socioeconomic benefits to meet the needs of societies [1.3 MB zipped]
Criterion 7: Legal, institutional and economics framework for forest conservation and sustainable management [0.4 MB zipped]
This data workbook (in Microsoft Excel 1.5 MB) contains lists of species of fauna and flora identified as forest-dwelling and forest-dependent, and lists of forest-dwelling threatened species and threatened forest ecological communities, including listing status and threat categories where applicable.
Forest-dwelling species are those species that may use forest habitat for all or part of their lifecycles.
Forest-dependent species are those species that must inhabit a forest habitat for all or part of their lifecycles.
Threatened forest ecological communities are forest communities or contain significant proportions of forest listed under the Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
This data workbook (in Microsoft Excel [0.2 MB]) contains the data and figures presented in ABARES Insights Stocktake Fire in Australia's forests, 2011 to 2016.
Data workbooks containing forest and wood products statistics are available from Australian Forest and Wood Products Statistics publications.